Sessions + Rates

Are you a non-profit, charitable trust, school or early childhood program? Please contact us directly for our brochure with community rates.

Initial Visits to Connect/Hono

Our initial session is a chance for us to focus on identifying how your communication concerns are impacting participation in daily activities. This session is about getting to know your concerns and experiences, and may include screening specific skills. This session can take place at our Christchurch Clinic near The Palms, or whatever is most comfortable and accessible for you.

15-25 mins. initial hono call/visit: $0
60 mins:
Community Service Card: $130

Follow-up sessions

These sessions let us continue working towards your therapeutic goals in speech therapy. Our sessions might happen frequently and close together, or less frequently depending on your needs. All sessions include 10-minutes of admin. Clients with any team-related work, hui, and report-writing is $40/20mins.

x weekly, 50 mins: $120

1x weekly, 30 mins: $80
Community Service Card: $70

2x weekly, literacy intervention: $140
Community Service Card: $95

Assessment Options

Our comprehensive assessment bookings may take up to two, 60-minute sessions. Assessment helps us identify learner strengths and struggles, which guides diagnosis and direct therapy goals. It also guides recommendations made for other team members. A report is provided, with recommendations and to ensure your learner’s communication needs are met with positive and accessible learning experiences and resources, by everyone on your support team.

Comprehensive Ax: $ 540

A responsive assessment focuses on one or two specific areas for assessment and goal planning. This includes up to two sessions of assessment; however, less detail is captured and analyzed in the written report. This assessment ensures we can efficiently focus on specific goals in the ways that best work for your strengths and circumstances.

Responsive Ax: $ 490

Hybrid Services
Do you live outside of Christchurch? While teletherapy (online) services are available, we also offer a hybrid approach. This service is a mixed or hybrid option where we will assess and check in for therapy on-site as needed, while also providing therapy online for more frequent support.

0-3kms (up to 6kms total): $0
Base rate: $1.10/km

Hybrid services (a mix of online and in-person) may also be of interest to you.
Travel to locations beyond the Christchurch area is available with rates discussed
on a case-by-case basis.